About Us
The Harbor Centre Business Improvement District is a vibrant and sustainable district.
To support the development, improvement, and promotion of Downtown, Riverfront, and South Pier.
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What is the Sheboygan Harbor Centre Business Improvement District (BID)?
The Sheboygan Harbor Centre Business Improvement District (BID) is a partnership between property owners, businesses, and the City of Sheboygan, defined by Wisconsin State Statute Chapter 66, in which property assessment taxes are used and redistributed to support maintenance, enhancement, and promotion of the district.
All property owners and businesses within the district’s defined boundaries, known as Downtown, Riverfront and South Pier, are considered members. The Mayor appoints a member-led board of directors to define annual goals that guide funding priorities. The BID funds beautification projects, as well as member-led activities and events, and professional development opportunities through a granting program open to all members.
The BID also provides platforms for members to connect, communicate, and collaborate to maximize resources and create efficiencies that contribute to a vibrant and thriving district.
It shall be the purpose of the District to perform all acts authorized by statute for a business improvement district, including but not limited to redeveloping, developing, managing and promoting the District as authorized by Wisconsin State statute.
Board Of Directors
The board meets every-other month to discuss and vote on the affairs of the organization.
Board Members
If you have questions about the Board of Directors or BID history, please contact Board President, Paul Rudnick at dallasrudnick@gmail.com.

The operation of the Harbor Centre BID (Business Improvement District) is the responsibility of the BID Board, which includes an executive committee. Other committees in the BID, which review information and make recommendations to the board are the Business Development Committee, Communications Committee, and the Major Investments Committee. Below is a description of the structure and function of the BID Board, and each of the committees.
Along with member representatives, the board and committees contain representatives from partner organizations including the City of Sheboygan, Sheboygan County Chamber of Commerce, the Sheboygan Parking Utility, and the Sheboygan County Economic Development Corporation.
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee provides organization direction for the full board. The main responsibilities of the Executive Committee are to monitor and review the operations of the BID, review and provide recommendations on matters that require the approval of the board, establish items for board meetings and agendas, and act on behalf of the board in emergency situations. The Executive Committee is made up of the Board President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Past President, and Committee Chairs.
Marketing and Communications Committee
The Communications Committee meets monthly to guide organizational communication, transparency, awareness, and engagement. This group’s works to build awareness around the purpose and direction of the BID, to ensure members are aware of available grants and resources, and to collect member feedback and drive engagement.
Events and Business Development Committee
The Business Development Committee reports to and makes recommendations to the Board of Directors. This committee will work to create a balanced calendar for events and activities within the BID, in each sub-district, and through each season. This Committee will evaluate the effectiveness of each BID supported event, and the impact that BID funds made to each event and activity. This committee will also work to find and foster synergies and partnerships with outside organizations and programs. This committee is responsible for reviewing Business Development and Community Event grant applications for each Harbor Centre BID grant cycle and makes recommendations on which grant applications move forward to be approved by the Board of Directors, which are denied, and may ask applicants for further information or clarification to review. This committee may also review the overall grant program structure and timing, to make recommendations that improve grant impact, clarity, member engagement, and effectiveness.
Major Investments Committee
The Major Investments Committee reports to and makes recommendations to the Board of Directors. This committee meets quarterly, or as needed, to discuss overall district infrastructure, beautification, and placemaking initiatives. The projects proposed and discussed by this committee may require multiple funding sources and partnerships with outside organizations such as the City of Sheboygan Planning and Development Department, Department of Public Works, Parking Utility, and others. This committee is responsible for reviewing major investment grant applications for and makes recommendations on which major investment grant applications move forward to be approved by the Board of Directors, which are denied, and may ask applicants for further information or clarification to review. This committee may also review the overall grant program structure and timing, to make recommendations that improve grant impact, clarity, member engagement, and effectiveness.
Are you interested in joining the Board or Committee?
Please fill out the interest form below. Board members will be selected based on district representation, ensuring a variety of business owners and property owners, and a cross section of business types and are appointed by the Mayor.
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